Oct 25, 2022 | Tech Update
While Windows 11 is only just celebrating its first birthday, we’re already hearing our first rumours about what Windows 12 will have in store. There’s no rush for the time being – we won’t see this new operating system until the back end of 2024 – but we love to be...
Sep 10, 2022 | IT Management
Many small businesses make the mistake of skipping policies. They feel that things don’t need to be so formal. They’ll just tell staff what’s expected when it comes up and think that’s good enough. But this way of thinking can cause issues for small and mid-sized...
Sep 5, 2022 | IT Management
One constant about technology is that it changes rapidly. Tools that were once staples, like Internet Explorer and Adobe Flash, age out. New tools replace those that are obsolete. Discontinued technology can leave computers and networks vulnerable to attacks. While...
Jul 5, 2022 | Productivity
When you see those people with two monitors, you may assume they do some specialized work that requires all that screen space, or they just really like technology. But having the additional display real estate that a second screen provides can benefit anyone, even if...