A very relevant question this year is if you should repair and continue to use your existing computers or replace them with a new one.

It’s tempting to hold back on purchasing new IT equipment, perhaps even more so this year than before. Sometimes it costs more to hold onto that old device, than to replace it with a new one.  Did you know that if a device is older than 3 years it may actually be cheaper to replace it? Research shows that:

  • A 5 year old PC could cost twice as much to run as a new one.
  • A 4 year old PC suffers up to 55% more security incidents than in its first 3 years.

It is all about getting the balance right in each case. Some equipment can be repaired (or upgraded) and will last another few productive and safe years, others will become slow, unproductive and risky to use and really needs to be replaced.

Use our brand new guide and learn the 7 signs that will tell you whether or not you need a new device.

Get the guide – link below.

Itblue – New Device Guide

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